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Re-Imagine Busines Health Insurance & Wellness

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Is Traditional Business Health Insurance Working?
By William Bedford II
Posted: 2022-11-18T19:26:06Z

Your Business's Health Insurance and Wellness, Is it Really Working?..... Traditional health insurance provided by companies to their employees using major providers is consistently becoming more expensive for both the business and the employee. Health insurance premiums have consistently risen at rates significantly higher than inflation. Our country's health care system and structure have consistently been a topic of politicians and electoral platforms, but it continues to be a turning wheel that is not changing, at least significantly. There are business that are changing this structure with self-funded insurance and direct contract access for health services. This can be beneficial and save money for the business and employees but their are cons and risks associated with this change. If your not ready to make a drastic change to your business's health insurance, there are ways to integrate some direct contracted access and improve the health of your employees while improving the bottom line of your business. We will talk further about this, but when we are thinking about health, wellness, and insurance our first priority should be the care being provided to our employees, because if our employees are not healthy we cannot have a business that is operating at its full potential.

There is a disconnect between what is offered to employees for their health and the improvement of their health. First thought in regards to employees; Have you asked them when they come into work complaining of neck, back, arm, knee pain and headaches why they haven't reached out to a physical therapist or medical provider? When your patients call off work because of musculoskeletal pain such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, and carpal tunnel; Do you think.... how could have I prevented this from becoming so painful that they are no longer working. For those employees that are coming into work but chronically in pain, have you thought about how this may be affecting their productivity and how helping to improve their pain can actually improve their productivity for your business.

Outcomes from injury specific care, return to work after injury, and productivity before and after injury are not all related to the specific injury. It has been shown in research that many factors in an individuals life play a role in their ability/time to return to work and their productivity levels at work. Let's take a look at some of these influencing factors.

Some of the key elements and contextual drivers that influence injury recovery and employee productivity:

  • Low job satisfaction
  • Perception of heavy work
  • High Job Stress
  • High Occupational Demands
  • Poor Attitudes of Employer, Family, or Health Professionals
  • Low or Non-access to care
  • Anxiety
  • Burnout
  • Depression

Let's take steps to solve this disconnect in our healthcare while both helping your business and your employees. The biggest step as a business you can take would be to move to a full self funded insurance program for your employees again this has its risks and needs reliable providers in a variety of professions. A more simple but yet still innovative and successful step in the direction of improving your employee wellness and improve your bottom line is to partner with our company for both direct access physical therapy and our comprehensive medical wellness platform that includes therapy options as well as stress reduction and fitness options that are not seen in other wellness platforms.

Our medical wellness platform offers meditation, fitness classes, self guided exercises and wellness programs, and injury recovery advice based off algorithms of clinical practice guidelines. We can customize our options to best fit your business. Contact us to schedule a meeting and demo to learn more about implementing our treatment services in your health and wellness benefits.

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